Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Youse Too Can Tawlk Like a Kenzo

Here goes.

Reader responses were as follows:

lilmissrepublican sends this:

tap MAC (ATM) (apparently, this term is unique to our area)
Crown (crayon)
Aight (alright)

Two that my grandfather uses that drive me insane--

atty-tood (attitude)
Jeet? (did you eat?)

(ed note: I still use "Jeet")
..cha kno youse can make dinner plans with less than 15 syllables? watch and learn:

I didn't get quite the response I thought, but I drew from my Kensington roots to pull these gems from the dustbin:

lemanon buhlony (Lebanon bologna)
taffy-(never sucker-sometimes lolly pop)
you went down da shore to get "fuj" and sal wooder taffys
when you said krimpets, you knew the meant "butterscotch
when you said "Lemin pie, you knew it was Tasty Kakes
wooder ice was both the italian kind and the shaved ice with flavored juice (sometimes called a sno-cone, too)
freez pops were kool aid frozen in a plastic tube-you cut the end of the plastic and sucked on the ice.
the toot fayrey came and left you a a nickel or 5 sens
mom shopped at the ackamee, your grandmother shopped at the "american store"

I found these gems at a philly slang website:

  • Aaeg - Egg
  • Addi-tood - Attitude
  • Aeneeding - Anything
  • A-ite - Alright
  • A-ready - Already
  • Arnch - Orange (Pattie) Also "Aren't you" as in Arnch you glad to see me?
  • Ac-a-me - Acme Market
  • Alrighty - Stop it already with alrighty! The word doesn�t exist.
  • Arn or Eye-urn or Eyern - Clothes Iron.
  • Aster-ick - Asterisk

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