Friday, March 21, 2008

Throw Grandma Under the Train...

...or, How to Effectively Trash your "Typically White" Granny For the Sake of Your Campaign!

Obama is at it again!

He throws his 86 year old grandma under the bus" in a vain attempt to smooth out the racially hateful pablum that has been the news of late.

In an interview with Angelo Cataldi (610-WIP radio) he was specifically asked to comment on his grandma's prejudices. His answer? Simply put:
"The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know - there's a reaction in her that's been bred into our experiences that don't go away and sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society."
Typical White Person??? WTF? What is a "typical white person"? Can I get some clarification, Barack? Is it the one who gets up every day and goes to work to provide for themselves or their family? Or is it the white person who spews bigoted rhetoric towards blacks? Is it the Nazi from the Third Reich who wants to exterminate those who aren't like him? The KKK member? The "Man"?

Or, is it the little old granny, accosted by a vagrant (who happened to be black), who then told her husband that he was a person of color that almost attacked her? Maybe it was his physical presence that unnerved her and all she remembered is that he was this "typical"?

Or, was she just a very observant person, who remembered the minute details of a person on the street that she tried to show kindness to, only to have him bite the hand that fed her?

Either way, it's a real shame that Barack has to trash-talk his Grandma for the sake of a hateful, scurrilous trash-mouthed "preacher", who just may have been the Achilles Heel of the Obama campaign.

What if, hypothetically, I were to say that Barack Obama and/or his minister were a "typical black man"? You'd call me a racist. You'd call me a bigot. Why? A double standard that will continue to exist as long as the Obama's of the world continue to get away with crap like this. (For the record, I can't define anybody I've ever met, in my entire life, as "typical" our infinite uniqueness, the human race is far from "typical".) This double standard has to end before any of the "Change" Obama likes to preach can be realized. Throwing granny under the train isn't the solution.

In my opinion, Obama should have been a better judge of character when choosing his friends and confidants. Things tend to come back and bite you in the a** sometimes. I'm sure he'll be hard pressed to win, considering the half-a**ed statements he continues to make.

And, as far as "Change" is concerned, nothing ever "changes". Obama is a politician throwing another person under the bus for the sake of his political career. My prediction? He'll never be elected president of anything, including his children's PTA.


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