Fact or fiction?

Sometimes it’s hard to determine one from the other.

Sometimes the media pushes something so much you begin to believe it.

Sometimes folklore is passed along from one generation to the next until what was once just a rumor from days gone is now a story to be believed.

You can find stories everywhere these days.

Back in the day, your “stories” were the afternoon soaps.

When I was growing up, a “story” was a lie.

“Don’t go telling stories,” my mom would say.

But, kids will be kids, and a little white lie was going to come out every now and then. Unfortunately for me, Mom always knew when I wasn’t telling the truth.

Can we be as certain about what we find on the Internet these days?

I get so tired of hearing about the demise of the newspaper, especially since it is usually followed with some inane fact about how the Internet is making us obsolete.

This is a preview of a great column by Times Herald Executive Editor, Stan Huskey. Read the rest here.
