Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney Out...What This Means

Massachusetts Governor and presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, bowed out of the campaign today, citing:

“If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror,” Romney will say at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington." (read the whole article here)

What does this mean to me?

It's a rotten shame. But, it also means that I have to strengthen my resolve. I may not be "in love" with John a matter of fact, I found McCain/Feingold to be one of the most horrendous attacks on my Constitutional rights in history. But, I'll steel myself for the campaign yet to come.

Why? Some may say that they could never support a "RINO" (see my Jim Matthews posts ), but, there's another dynamic in place here.

Would you rather Shrillary or Barack Osama be our next president?

If the harpie wins, we have potentially 8 more years of a Clinton dynasty in our nations capital. Imagine what she could screw up in 8 years. We would no longer be living under the protection of the Constitution, but rather the Communist Manifesto. Social spending would skyrocket, taxes would increase exponentially and all we'd have to show for it is a ruling class and a chattal class, working for our government instead of ourselves.

If our friend with the Muslim name becomes president, expect worse. He's even more to the left of the Hildebeast, Imagine if you will, a baby left in a room, cold, crying...left there to die. We'd be marching after the mother with pitchforks and torches, wanting to exact punishment for how she treated her baby. But, this scenario would very well play out (and it has) in our local hospitals and abortion clinics, if Obama-mama becomes president (Read about it here and here).

Where does this all leave me? Let me get on my soap box...I am a Republican and will always be a Republican. I will not do anything that will a) go against my party, or b) give the other side a fighting chance in November. I care too deeply about our country to do otherwise (like make traitorous alliances-I'd rather go down fighting).

This means unabashedly supporting our Republican nominee, no matter who he is.

He may be a moderate, but John McCain is a Republican.

If the nominee is (and it's pretty much a done deal) John McCain, then I say, better a sister in a wh%rehouse....


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