Sunday, July 13, 2008

Banned-Drew Carey Rants About The Nanny State and the Erosion of our Rights

I first caught this video on Tony Phyrillas Blog. I thought it worth posting, permanently, on my blog as well. Watch the video and then read the passage underneath.

Whether you love it, hate it, or have never thought about it, chances are some politician wants to ban it. "Welcome to the Nanny State Nation," says host Drew Carey. "Where the government minds your own business."

Saggy pants, fire places, plastic bags, light bulbs, poker—it's all been banned somewhere. Same with owning swine or fowl, feeding pigeons, owning pit bulls, and chomping on trans fats, a naughty little substance that makes food taste better.

Of course, smoking's been banned in all sorts of places—indoors, outdoors, near doors, beaches, casinos, even private homes. America's smoking ban craze began in California. So many bans start there.

"But is New York City the new California?" asks Carey? Smoking, trans fat, aluminum baseball bats, straddling a bike, wearing in-line skates or drinking coffee on a subway—the Big Apple bans them all.

Even if we don't particularly like something we should be wary of banning it because every ban is backed up by the force of law. Plus, would you want to live in a nation that bans everything that offends someone?

Carey wonders when so many of us turned into "ban-happy busybodies," and compliments the British on their more civilized approach to bans.

And here is the rest of it.

1 comment:

TheBitterAmerican said...

Personally, I think Drew Carey is full of (BANNED) and anybody who keeps posting this (BANNED) video ought to be (BANNED) (BANNED) (BANNED).

But that just my (BANNED) opinion, right?

Or will Google start banning blogs that endorse anti-banning legislation?


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