Sunday, April 13, 2008

Philly restaurants Might be Required to Post Nutrition info

From The Reporter Online:

PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ A Philadelphia City Council committee has approved a bill that would require restaurant chains and other eateries to post nutrition information about the food and beverages on their menus and menu boards.

The measure would apply to chains of ten or more restaurants, as well as convenience stores, delis, bakeries, and even coffee shops.

The information to be disclosed would include calories, fat and carbs.

Supporters say the bill would give people choices about what they want to eat. Critics say the measure is too broad and cumbersome.

A final vote could come as early as May 1.

Far be it from me to criticize Philly city council, but, c'mon already. People do not eat at chain restaurants (read: fast food) and convenience stores because the want a healthy meal...they want something that tastes good and fill "the void". For city council to take up any of the taxpayer's time and money on such a ludicrous task is both wasteful and condescending...that people cannot make up their minds about what they want to eat without a calorie chart just spits in the face of peoples good judgment and stinks of the continuing "nanny state" that Philadelphia is trying to create for itself...don't worry about a thing-Big Brother is watching out for you.

Well, Philly, you reap what you sow. If you keep electing these boobs who think they know what's better for you than you yourself do, you deserve what you get.
I, on the other hand, will have the triple Whopper with extra mayo...not because it's good for me...because I'm hungry and it just tastes good...and that's good enough for me.


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